Wednesday 13 August 2014

Taj Fisherman's Cove - Things that caught my eye!

                    It was a weekend. I went to Taj Fisherman's Cove in Covelong, Chennai. After a tiring Corporate event, I was taking a self-tour of the facilities inside. Some of the things that people hardly notice, inspired me to click pictures. 

Sunday 10 August 2014

On My Desk

                When I had to stay indoors during a rainy day, the items on my desk became the ultimate killer of my boredom. I picked up the Camera and decided to turn those items into a 2 dimensional memory. Here it goes...

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Platform 9 3/4 - Revealing the Invisible

         It was a Saturday morning. I got a call from a colleague who recently a got a new camera. He was all excited for testing his new gadget and wanted me to accompany him. We had a discussion about where we can go for taking pictures and came up with a thought of visiting the Chennai Sub-urban Train Stations. We started at around 8 from Guindy and took a train till Chengalpet. We got down at almost all stations looking for subjects to focus and capture. Now, coming to the title of the post. This post has nothing to do with Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling (Bazinga!). I decided to name it "Platform 9 3/4" since it focuses on the things that most people ignore in a train station and those that are almost invisible to the busy eyes of everyday commuters. I leave the pictures to speak for itself. Cheers!